Word View

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We are excited to present Word View - a space where we examine the power, (hidden) meanings, and perspectives words hold for all of us. We will reflect, share, listen and learn from each other’s stories in this collaborative and brave space.  

In keeping with our values, we welcome all ideologies and opinions in our monthly gatherings. We do, however, have ground rules for engagement and they are noted here: 

  1. Listen to seek understanding: Be open to new perspectives, especially if they are different from your own. 

  2. Challenge ideas not people: Always give people the benefit of the doubt; do not invent intentions for others instead ask questions if you disagree with someone. 

  3. Take Space and Make Space: Don’t dominate the conversation; allow for all voices to be heard. 

  4. Speak your Truth: Share your experiences and respect other’s experiences as their truth. 

  5. Do not tone-police: Emotions are allowed; focus on what a person is saying and not their emotional expression. 

Together with these ground rules, we ask that you do your part to retain confidentiality. Please do not attribute the stories you hear in this space to those outside the group. If you do share stories, be sure you are sharing them to create awareness and understanding and not gossip. Our sessions will not be recorded, but in the spirit of being open, vulnerable, and supportive, we ask that if you are joining us, keep your camera on for the duration of the session. 

Word View will be held on the second Thursday of every month. We will be listing our word for the month on this page, so please visit regularly to join us in the journey of building more compassion and courage. 

On June 10, 2021, Word View began with Divisions Next, we explored Solidarity on July 8, Healing on August 12, Harm (September 9), Accountability (October 14), Forgiveness (November 11), Anger (December 9), Fear (January 13, 2022), Grief (February 10), Chaos (March 10), Balance (April 14), Journey (May 12), Rights (June 9), Duties (July 14), Responsibilities (August 11). Respect (September 8), Sincerity (October 13), Loyalty (November 10)., Opportunity (December 8), Honor (January 12, 2023), Shame (February 9), Citizens (March 9), Indigeneity(April 13), Immigration (May 11). The next three words are Host (June 8), Guest (July 13), Home (August 10), Judging (September 14), October - Break, Questioning (November 9), December - Break, Knowing (January 11), Freedom (February 8), Control (March 7), Prisoner (April 11) Pride (May 9), Arrogance (June 20), Ego (July 11) . Please RSVP below to receive a Zoom link. Our sessions will begin at 7 pm ET and will run for an hour. Please note that we will be taking screenshots during our sessions. These pictures will be used to promote our events and document the Word View series.